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Email Marketing Services

A cost effective way to interact with your target audience
Greater exposure, higher return on investment, targeted emails


We would love to assist you in providing Email Marketing solutions for your brand in any way we can!


    You Email marketing is one of the most economical channels to reach out to your existing or future customers. Email marketing is one of the best ways to tell your targeted audience about your products or services. It can also be used to build brand loyalty and to convert customers into regular clients.

    We at Simple Intelligent Systems can help you in connecting with your prospects or existing customers through focused emails. Our email campaigns can target specific age groups, gender, locations, professions and industries and can help your business reach its maximum potential.

    We offer the following Email Marketing Services:

    Promotional Emails

    You want to spread a word about your business, products or services worldwide. We can help you by shooting innovative promotional emails that target your client base. Backed by extensive planning these mails have good conversion rates and can help you get new clients over a period of time.

    Bulk Emails

    Bulk emails is another great way to sell products and services online. You can take our spam free bulk email services to send emails in a large quantity to your target audience.

    Automated emails

    If you want to send emails at a particular event on a particular time, we have got the solution. With the help of automated mailing campaign you can send emails to existing and future customers when a event happens for e.g. on their birthdays and anniversaries or when they place a new order on your website.

    Our Pricing

    Please Give us a call at +91 (991) 800-2394 or contact us with your specific requirements and we will be happy to help.

    Why Our Email Marketing Services

    • Innovative ideas to spread awareness about your business
    • Emails aimed at targeted users based on demographics, location and data
    • Niche specific, unique and catchy email subject lines with persuasive body content
    • Interactive emails written by experienced content creators
    • Track and monitor the responses of the receivers of the emails
    • Maximum return on investment
    • Analytics integrated
    • SPAM free emailing
    • Responsive emails
    • Timely delivery of emails in case of an event focused email strategy
    • Cost effective, Affordable and customized packages according to your industry



    How can I grow my email list?

    Add a signup button to your email | Create content that is useful for your audience and add a sign-up form next to the content. | Offer downloadable ebooks or white papers | Put Signup form on your Facebook page.

    How many times in a month should I send emails to my subscribers?

    It has been recommended to send at least one email a month for active subscriber engagement. Most marketers (35 percent) send two to three emails in a month as suggested by the Direct marketing Association’s National Client Email report.

    What is a Spam Filter?

    Spam filter is a program used to detect unwanted emails and prevent them from reaching the user’s inbox. These work on the suspicious word patterns or word frequency, however, this only is not the criteria to judge unsolicited emails.

    What metrics will be useful for me to track?

    Open Rate – The number of email recipients that inspected your email.

    Click-through Rate – It is the percentage of email recipients who clicked at least one link in your email.

    Conversion – This way you open the email first by clicking it then track all the routes taken by the user till the end.

    On an average how much time a user spends on an email?

    A employee spends approximately 11 hours a week on emails. It sums up to spending 1.1 minutes on sending or receiving each email.

    Are there any specific rules for email marketing?

    Multiple laws are governing the use of emails for commercial purposes. As far as you are a legitimate business using a proper email marketing tool, don’t worry you are already following the rules for your email campaign.

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