In this article, you will be introduced to some common issues while working on Magento and also on how you can get them settled in easy ways. This article will help you deliver your work more efficiently on Magento.
Which sort of product to opt and how to set it up?
Pain point:
I have various products where the final cost depends on which textile/color (leather red/red textile) and which size (different furniture modules) is chosen. Which is the best product sort to opt and how to set it up that the price changes as the customer in the front end changes the option?
Also, the color should be selectable by small thumbnails showing the color rather than having a drop-down menu.
Use a configurable product when customers select options to make changes in a product, use a configurable product.
A bed available in “red or green” and in “textile or leather” should be created as a configurable product. You need to have an attribute assigned to each child product for “textile color” and “textile variety.” The child products should then be allocated to a configurable result. The price is based on the child products.
Magento 1.9 comes with comfort for configurable swatches (the name you use for the sample should match an image uploaded to /media/swatches/ – “red” would be /media/swatches/red.jpg).
If you need help creating a configurable product, some great videos on YouTube will walk you through the process.
How to convert Magento e-commerce website to WordPress?
Pain point:
I have two websites. Both are running on different platforms of WordPress and Magento. But I want to convert Magento site into WordPress.
I would not recommend converting a Magento e-commerce website to WordPress as the later is based on CMS technology. If you want to integrate e-commerce functionality into the website, then Magento is the best answer.
However, I suggest you consult a professional e-commerce developer or company. You may also contact an agent who has expertise in both; Magento e-commerce as well as WordPress technologies. They may be able to give you the best solution.
How to create shop by the color feature in my web store?
Pain point:
I am setting up my webshop, and I try to assign a color to a product. Let’s say one of my product has the colors pink and blue (NOTE: They are NOT separately available in pink OR blue, those are just colors the product is built of). I try to find a way to let the product page say it contains the colors pink and blue and to have it in the left menu of webshop where you can classify on color. So when you pick blue, all products containing blue will show.
I think you need to create another attribute for color and its kind should be Multi-select in the product settings you will be able to show many colors for this single product. They all will display in the layered navigation on the left (this is what we call it here Smiley Happy). Don’t forget to edit the “Use in layered navigation” title to “Filterable with results” in your current color attribute settings and include this new attribute to the required attribute set.
How to change header logo in Magento?
To do this first you need to upload the image. If the root Magento directory on your Magento hosting account is public_html, making the store accessible at yourdomain.com, then you need to upload the picture in public_html/skin/frontend/default/default/images. You can do that from the Files Category of the Pixie control panel, or you can use an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla).
How to Install a Magento theme?
Pain point:
Magento is downloaded however the theme is not downloaded successfully so unable to work on it.
There are two ways to install Magento theme-
1- Install via Magento Connect
2- Install via a downloaded Magento theme
1- Install via Magento Connect – Initially, select the particular Magento theme and agree to the extension license contract by clicking on the “Get Extension Key.” Now go to System-> Magento Connect-> Magento Connect Manager and log in to Magento store admin. Once the theme is successfully installed, go to System-> Configuration-> Design-> Themes and assign a theme name and click “Save Config.”
2- Install via a downloaded Magento theme – Initially uncompress the theme template zip file and copy entire app folder and entire skin folder under Your_Magento_Installation/app/design/frontend/default/ and Your_Magento_Installation /skin/frontend/default/ respectively. Now login to Magento store admin and select the Design Tab under System-> Configuration. Now simply give a name to your new theme in front of skin input box and click “Save Config.”
Why my Magento store is slow?
There are multiple reasons why Magento Websites go slow. Below are some common reasons and their solutions-
1- Caching is the primary reason for Magento sites loading slowly. Turning on this feature will single handed speed up your Magento website.
2-Make sure you manually update your site’s indexes through the admin panel because if your website’s indexes have not been refreshed manually, then this will make your Magento site slow.
3- One more great way to improve Magento’s speed is to turn on the compilation. Compiling your files can present you with between 25 and 50 % better performance.
4- The other easy way to increase the speed of Magento is combining your CSS and JavaScript files.
5- Your Magento website is running slow because your memory limit is too low. It is important to make sure that it is higher than 128 MB as Magento uses up a lot of memory. Increasing the memory will help your site to work quicker.
6- One more reason the Magento site can be made quicker is flattening your products and categories. By crushing your catalog, you are allowing Magento to gather the information it needs from one single place, boosting speed and performance.
7- Sometimes a developer ‘hacks the core’ and manually overwrites some of Magento’s files.
8- The Magento Core team make new versions to boost the performance of your site, add new features and fix existing bugs. So ensure you are up-to-date before making any of the changes outlined above.
Must have Magento extension for any regular ECommerce store?
Magento platform is simple, flawless and exceptional for your eCommerce store. Below are some fantastic features of Magento.
1- The best feature of Magento Enterprise is that it comes with the payment security feature (PCI PA-DSS) for making online transactions secure.
2- Magento also consists of superb store management facilities like fantastic product browsing, catalog browsing, list management and other such numerous peculiarities for a robust online store.
3- International Support is one other powerful option for Magento. It comes with features like multiple languages and currencies and a list of allowed countries for ensuring facilities like registration, purchasing, shipping, tax rates, support for accented characters, European Union VAT-ID validation, EU cookie notification, etc.
4- Magento eCommerce services have come with various amazing features like integration of Google Analytics, RSS feeds, logical report of abandoned carts, coupon usage report, product reviews report, sales receipt, tax details and other data for the effective targeting of site visitors for maximum conversion rates, customer engagement and sales.
5- Magento is one such platform that has numerous inbuilt and unmatched marketing features like newsletter management, free transportation option, bundled products option, cross-selling and upselling facilities, tier pricing, customer and group-specific pricing, flexible coupons, etc.
6- Magento eCommerce provides a broad range of services like one-page checkout, integrated real-time shipping rates from various shipping carriers, integration with third-party payment systems, guest checkout facility, SSL secure encrypted, shopping cart details with shipping and tax rates, easy account registration and other such features.