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Digital Marketing strategies for fitness studiosgyms in 2020 that works

The year 2021 is done, and we as digital marketers need to be on our toes for our businesses to survive the era of the global pandemic. Everyone is online, and our demographic has constantly been changing. Consumer behavior, consumer spending, and mental health have changed ever since. The attention span of consumers has also been shortened from five seconds to three seconds. We have to consider the new generation connected with influencers and social media celebrities as their models. Communication is vital to us all the more now than ever before. Our business strategy for 2022 should be optimized for mobile and other means of digital marketing.

The fitness industry needs to communicate with people in a personalized way. The fitness industry is an extensive venture that delves into the lives and well-being of people. It is essential to have a streamlined way of reaching your goals with a streamlined digital marketing strategy for the following reasons:

  • Outreach of your label
  • Interaction with your members.
  • Nurturing the leads of your target audience
  • Significant online presence.

So, you are in the fitness industry and want to grow your gym or fitness studio? Some tips on how you can execute some marketing beautifully to fuel your business are:

1. Build a beautiful website

First of all, an excellent site with some beautiful branding is a prerequisite to a successful business. When people are researching where they want to go in terms of a gym or what personal trainer they want to work out with, they are going to look at your website.

Your website is your best salesperson- it never falls sick and can sell to a thousand people at the same time. So take some time to invest in your brand and content. Have everything there that somebody might want to look at or understand about your brand to go with you. They are going to compare your website with other websites in the area for gyms and personal trainers. Then they are going to decide whom they will do business with. The power tip is to check your website on mobile. Make sure your website works best on mobile phones.

Build a beautiful website

2. Build a strong social presence.

Build your presence on Instagram and Facebook, especially for gyms and personal trainers. You may even consider YouTube. But, people are going to consider social proof before they decide to invest in your gym or fitness studio. They want to see good, educational, and exciting content. You have to show them that you are passionate about what you do. They are going to check whether people are following you and engaging with you. If they are going to see those things, they will have more trust and move to the next step, which is doing business with you.

Build a strong social presence

3. Record High-Quality videos

Do videos all the time as a fitness brand. Make sure you’re posting videos on social media. Videos can be a hard thing to do sometimes if you’re thinking about what content to create on the spot. An idea here is to write down the questions you hear every week. Your clients are going to ask you questions in the gym all the time. Write them down as they are perfect ideas for videos. If you create a video every week and answer those simple questions, it is going to be valuable information for people watching that content online.

Another power tip is to take one client a week and show their Before/After. Talk about their success stories. Talk about what they enjoy about your brand and what makes you different.

This makes you ready with content all the time. Remember, a regular dip in content implies a steady decline in the number of customers.

Record High- Quality videos

4. Use a CRM

Keep all your clients listed in a CRM and stay organized. Store information about them, their family, and their goals. Follow up and check in with your customers. Build email automation that sends them automated tips and reminders, class schedules, and workouts of the day. Send them fitness, nutritional information, holiday, and birthday emails. Build a relationship using a CRM and follow up with your clients to keep them engaged.

5. Build your reputation online.

You should have a four or five-star rating, and keep a constant flow of reviews. More reviews mean more clients, so ask for reviews from your happy clients.

Maybe, offer them a free month if they leave reviews online. Ask them to leave reviews on Google reviews, Facebook reviews, and all the relevant review sites that you are passionate about. When somebody searches for your brand name and the word reviews on Google, the page is just lit up with four and five-star reviews on multiple review sites.

6. Optimize your local listings

Optimize your local listings on directory sites. This will help you rank higher in the maps on Google search and relevant directories that people might also be looking online. There are personal trainer directories and gym directories. You should be listed on all of the directories because you cannot control where people look. So make sure that you are there on top. Optimize all your profiles so that you can capture business from every possible source.

7. Dominate the first page of Google

When somebody searches your city name, gym, personal trainer, or other relevant keywords, your website should dominate page one. You can do so in three ways:

  1. Through paid ads. This requires you to invest in ads
  2. Be high on the maps. If you have many reviews, you will be high on the maps.
  3. Rank high organically. This requires you to build amazing content.

If you do this, you will grow your brand.

8. Do Retargeting ads

Retargeting ads usually stay in front of people who see you on social media or who visit your website. People like to research before deciding which gym they want to go to or which personal trainer they wish to hire. They are going to be in research mode, a week, or a month before they decide. So you need to retarget your ads. These ads stay in front of your visitors during the research phase. This builds trust, and when they’re ready to do business, they think of you first.

9. Run social targeting ads

Build social targeting ad campaigns specifically for Instagram and Facebook so that you are targeting people in your area that are interested in fitness. They will become aware of your brand and will eventually do business with you. Now create videos, educational, and engaging content. Don’t necessarily sell in these ad campaigns. Just provide value. This will foster trust and create this passion inside them to want to give you a try. Offer a free month to get people to come in and try or maybe just a free class to open a door for conversation. Then you will win the business.

10. Develop a Corporate or affiliate marketing program

Talk to the business or organization nearby and offer a discount if their employees or members of their organization are members of your gym. This is a great way to capture nearby customer bases. You can create group events for these business organizations.

Think when they will hire a new employee, you will also get a client.

People from different professions often refer their clients to your club such as

  • Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Supplement companies.

Your client portal can fetch you additional clients, which is a fantastic marketing strategy.

11. Schedule your services online

Online software that enables your clients to register online for classes is a cool idea. Reward current customers by offering discounts and encourage new ones to join hands with you.


Be patient with your business. Many businesses give up if their business does not yield the kind of returns they are expecting. You need to be patient. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

If you have specific questions about this article or Digital marketing please share them with us. We will be happy to help.

Jitin Mishra

Founder of Simple Intelligent Systems a full-service digital agency with 17 years of experience. We provide website and app design and development, integrated marketing, and hosting and maintenance services. One-stop shop for White-labeled web development and marketing outsourcing for your peace of mind! Mobile +91 (991) 800-2394 | U.S. contact +1 (724) 340-4462 Google Hangouts:- | Skype:- Jitin.mishra

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