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Businesses that sell online need to follow a range of ecommerce marketing best practices. If you aren’t always looking for an edge in this competitive industry, your business is going to fall behind.

One of the best ways to maximize opportunities and stay competitive is to optimize your website or app for conversions. For businesses that are new to conversion rate optimization, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Fortunately, experienced marketers have shared some of the most successful case studies on conversion optimization. With the following cases, you will find ecommerce conversion optimization tips that can help you as you try to improve your website or app.

Weather Channel

The Weather Channel website had solid traffic, but they were not satisfied with their ability to convert visitors into premium subscribers. After doing some research on the site and running multivariate testing, they were able to increase conversions by 225%.

Some of the most significant changes were to clean up and declutter the page. They also simplified the message by narrowing their focus to a single action they wanted the visitor to take. If there is a takeaway, it is that having a simple design with a clear message is a good way to ensure customers know what they are supposed to do.

Hawk Host

The web hosting provider Hawk Host ran some split testing to see if they could increase conversions from their home page. In this case, they tested an image that has a prominent place on the page. After testing, they found that the version with the new image more than doubled the conversions over the original.

The insight to take away from this study is that it does not always require extreme changes or a complete reworking of a page to make a significant difference. Hawk Host achieved these results by keeping most of the original page intact.


LessAccounting is a supplier of small business accounting software. They had the idea that adding a support phone number to the website would increase conversions. After running split tests, they found that the version of the site with the phone number saw a 1.8% increase in conversions.

This could be for many reasons. The team from LessAccounting theorized that it helped to show that there is a personal element to the business and that it told customers that they are there to help when needed. This is another case where making a seemingly minor change helped to increase conversions.

SAP BusinessObjects

SAP BusinessObjects wanted to increase conversions on the download page for one of their projects. After hiring a firm to run some split testing, they found that one simple change made the biggest difference. In this case, it was switching from a text link to a large CTA button.

This one change increased conversions by more than 32%. If there is one clear insight, it is that having a noticeable CTA is one of the top conversion optimization best practices. With the CTA button, visitors have no trouble understanding the purpose of the page or how to move on to the next step.

Following some of these ecommerce conversion optimization tips can help you develop a strategy for your business. That said, every site is unique and you will need to do your own research, develop hypotheses that are relevant to your website and run tests.

Jitin Mishra

Founder of Simple Intelligent Systems a full-service digital agency with 17 years of experience. We provide website and app design and development, integrated marketing, and hosting and maintenance services. One-stop shop for White-labeled web development and marketing outsourcing for your peace of mind! Mobile +91 (991) 800-2394 | U.S. contact +1 (724) 340-4462 Google Hangouts:- | Skype:- Jitin.mishra

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